Smile for the camera!!

Smile for the camera!!
Problem, officer?

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Almost ready to begin!

GOOD NEWS! I'm almost ready to begin work on the actual game. Today, I'll most likely draw a few things in flash, and maybe begin design on the main character. A sidescroller, the game that Matt and I envision is probably going to be the only educational game that people will WANT to play. Not that we arew bragging or anything, it's just that, in my experience, educational games are hardly ever FUN...
The idea is that druggies have kidnapped your girlfriend, but you are...I don't know, I guess my 15 year old sister would call him "Diesel". You rage, and then you go and you pwn the druggies. It's not gory, because this is school, but the premise is fun enough to make you want to play it.
I'll get on and study a few flash tutorials for extra info on coding this game. If I get my way, it'll most likely be epic.

Haha. SO. I'm back at the head of the class!

As well as being fun, the game is still going to have it's message.
Drug abuse is a serious problem, and it can make you evil. That's what the game is going to show. No good will come from drug abuse.

You might actually be beaten down by a dude who is raging because you kidnapped his girlfriend. That's my anti-drug. Beatings. Imagine that commercial. >:3

Epic win, right?

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